I tried to blog every month this year, but remote learning and grad school classes kept me from it. How fitting is it for this school year that I waited until the absolute last day of the year to write my final blog post?? We can all agree this was a weird year. There were days where my anxiety levels reached the highest points they ever have. I think I have officially had every physical symptom of anxiety that exists this year. But I know that overall, I had it pretty good in 2020. My family and I stayed healthy, we found ways to stay connected, and I was able to spend lots of time with my husband and dog. I also learned a lot about my biases and my privilege this year, and I'm thankful for the ways I was challenged to work on these. When I think back on this year, I can't imagine how much different it would have been without twitter. I love how teachers came together to support each other this year. And without the many teachers I have the chance to collaborate with, I can...