I can't say that I have necessarily missed my classroom during all of this. There are no windows, the desks are hard to group, it's crowded. My makeshift desk at home has a window next to it, a furry co-worker, ample bathroom breaks and time to eat vs. inhaling my food at lunch duty. My makeshift desk, complete with my fav candle, cold brew coffee, and my airpods #essentials But what I miss (and what most of us miss) is the conversations. While filling out my end of the year reflection evaluation, I had a hard time deciding what to put. My goal for this year was to encourage conversation among my students and teach them how to work together in groups and explain their thinking. I wanted to dive deeper into the #ThinkingClassroom model. I finally got my AP on board to see what I was trying to do. Some of my students working in #VRG earlier in the semester on our #vnps Then COVID happened. It isn't feasible to expect our students to complete synchronous