Today is day two of virtual learning, and I am already feeling restless, a little skeptical, and a little claustrophobic. I have always struggled with anxiety and transitions. In this time of unknowns, my mind continuously races. Will I get sick? Will my family members get sick? Will my students continue learning? Will we ever go back to school? When will things go back to normal?? I am somewhat of a homebody, but being trapped in my house has me feeling claustrophobic. Thank God for my husband, my dog, and FaceTime! Clearly my dog, Theo, is excited to be home and snuggle with us for the foreseeable future :) But the thing I'm most thankful for during this time of chaos is twitter and my #mtbos community. Last year, I made a twitter looking for ideas about how to get my students to practice more, and I found SO much more than that. I can't describe the ways this twitter community has changed my teaching practices for the better. But even more than that,...