I had some thoughts about assessing my freshmen today after a particularly not great assessment last week 🙃 I wrote this all out in a thread and then thought “no, this should be a blog post!”. Our school gets students from around 40(!!) different feeder schools. Yes, we’re a private school. Also, yes, the Milwaukee area has a wild amount of K-8 and middle schools. (Maybe it’s just wild to me because it’s the opposite of where I grew up where there was one middle school and one high school 😅) Because we get students from so many different schools, we also get students with a VERY wide range of prerequisite knowledge and skills. Example: today we covered how to find slope between two points. 2/3 of the room had at least seen it, 1/3 had never seen it. (I recognize most schools have students with a wide range of knowledge and skills and it’s not just us, but the amount of feeder schools we have is truly wild.) Enter our summative assessments. Let me start by saying I haven’t ...
I tried to blog every month this year, but remote learning and grad school classes kept me from it. How fitting is it for this school year that I waited until the absolute last day of the year to write my final blog post?? We can all agree this was a weird year. There were days where my anxiety levels reached the highest points they ever have. I think I have officially had every physical symptom of anxiety that exists this year. But I know that overall, I had it pretty good in 2020. My family and I stayed healthy, we found ways to stay connected, and I was able to spend lots of time with my husband and dog. I also learned a lot about my biases and my privilege this year, and I'm thankful for the ways I was challenged to work on these. When I think back on this year, I can't imagine how much different it would have been without twitter. I love how teachers came together to support each other this year. And without the many teachers I have the chance to collaborate with, I can...